Lift Your Heart:
Ramadan Workshops
Ramadan Program Bundle

Megan Wyatt
Life & Relationship Coach, Founder, One Meaningful Life &
Wives of Jannah

Umm Zakiyyah
Author, Speaker, Spiritual Mentor
& Founder of UZ Heart & Soul Care

Hosai Mojaddidi
Spiritual Counselor, Speaker,
Writer, & Published Author
Ramadan has begun and maybe you feel like you're already struggling.
You might think you're alone in your struggles but the truth is many people begin Ramadan feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and sometimes a bit down.
How is this possible during a month of immense blessings?
The very month the Holy Qur'an was revealed to our Prophet Muhammad (saw) and a month where Muslims are supposed to become even closer to Allah.
It happens because of a few reasons.... see if you relate to any of these.
* Beginning the month from a place of feeling pressure to perform a long list of "shoulds" and then not being able to maintain those goals.
* Feeling like you got everything else ready for your family (decor, recipes, treats, Ramadan baskets, etc) but didn't take time to prepare your heart or mind for yourself.
* Struggling with your iman before Ramadan and then feeling like you aren't one of "those believers" who are excited about Ramadan and so you further isolate yourself
*Going through a difficult time right now and the idea of "doing more" feels exhausting. You already need some help.
This Ramadan package of two separate pre-recorded Ramadan workshops are designed to support everyone on this list above and more.
Workshop #1:
Building Your Meaningful Ramadan & Letting Go Of Shaming Yourself With The "Shoulds" with Umm Zakiyyah & Megan Wyatt
Workshop #2:
Ahlan Ya Ramadan: Prepare Your Heart & Develop Your Personal Ramadan Goals
with Hosai Mojaddidi & Megan Wyatt
Choose the Program Fees Within Your Budget.

These workshops are for you if...
* You have struggled in the past to begin Ramadan with tangible goals that were just for you
* You find yourself prepared with decor, iftaar menus, and kid crafts but realize you've put yourself llast on the prep list.
* You're in a new season of life right now and need some time to rethink in what ways
Ramadan might be different than previous years (new job, baby, now married, etc)
* You simply want a dedicated workshop space just for you and our focused program goals
speak to you and your schedule
* You feel a bit overwhelmed by Ramadan coming and a bit anxious trying to "do it all" and
want small but meaningful goals to focus on
Take some time to lift your heart and create a meaningful
Ramadan for yourself.