How to Feel Close to Allah When You Feel Far

with Megan Wyatt, Founder of One Meaningful Life

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Please share with me! What's one of your favorite nature memories where you thought "SubhanAllah!" Or a time when your heart felt wide open and full of iman. Looking to be inspired from your comments. 🙂

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 86 comments
Mahi Sidky - February 26, 2020

Amazing Video msA Megan .. a great reminder El hamdollah…one of my nature moments was certainly during the fall back in Virginia where it’s absolutely amazing seeing all those colors and seeing those leaves scattered everywhere .. MashaaAllah beautiful.. makes me think of life and how every beginning has an end .. and then the cycle begins again. sub7an Allah .JAK for this initiative 😊❤️.. love it .may Allah reward you highest levels in Jannah, Ameen.

    meganwyatt - February 26, 2020

    wa iyyakum! I miss seeing the changing of fall leaves!

Amanda - February 26, 2020

I have seen the stars without the light pollution only once in my life. It was unforgettable and I would love to see that again. Other times I have felt close to Allah is when walking or sitting on the beach, in the mountains and when looking at a beautiful sky. Subhanallah! His creation is the most beautiful 😍

    meganwyatt - February 26, 2020

    It’s so memorable isn’t it? Makes us realize how much we’re missing out there!

Aisha - February 26, 2020

JazakAllahu Khairun for making this series.
One of the best times I’ve felt that closeness to Allah Subhana Wa Taalla was at the beach at night with friends, and we stumbled upon an area that was alive with bio-luminescent plankton. It was like the stars were here on earth with us, twinkling in every wave, every step we took, and when we got in the water, it was like being in the middle of outerspace.
Like you, the whole time I kept saying, SubhanAllah! And Allahu Akbar!
It was a closeness brought on by a heart full with pure joy, awe, humbleness, gratefulness, and love.

    meganwyatt - February 26, 2020

    Each time I read your comment I *feel* your experience! Sounds majestic!

Fouzia Usman - February 26, 2020

MashaAllah! Very good message Megan. Many times I have felt the closeness to the creator after a plane takes off. When I get to see the birds eye of the land underneath, Subhana’Allah! It reminds me how tiny humans are and how big our creator is who manages many worlds and we are just a tiny bit of it and yet we are able to communicate with Him on a daily basis.

    meganwyatt - February 26, 2020

    SubhanAllah, what a profound reflection! Reminds us of our “place” in this universe.

Shaz - February 26, 2020

SubhanAllah the power of nature to reach our soul and show us the presence of Allah swt. We felt like that on our recent visit to New Mexico and I was just telling my husband that because of the remoteness of the areas we visited, away from the sounds of cars and even away from people that we truly felt at peace and a deep soul stirring. I see know why take spiritual retreats alone in remote places.

Adam - February 27, 2020

My favorite place to go is to the beach, walk in the sands , take it the clean fresh air, swim and watch the sunset . See the birds flying around happily. I feel my best each time I am back from there. Thanks for this video!

    meganwyatt - February 27, 2020

    That’s awesome, Adam! I hope you get to make that a recharge routine for yourself.

      Jawdat Alhagbaker - October 26, 2021

      When i see sky so far and long and long distans not have start and end point i will and think Alla my hart be kalm and relax.

Zareen - February 28, 2020

My heart has experienced several such moments Alhamdulillah. My most favourite will always be seeing sky. Every time I am awestruck, it is a masterpiece painted by the most Talented Artist Allah SubhanOtalah

    meganwyatt - February 28, 2020

    Thank you for sharing Zareen!

Umm Ibrāhim - February 29, 2020

I can’t think of one but I’ve always felt drawn to nature and scenery’s and I only now understood why so thank you. When I was younger I use to stargaze and when I’d go out even in a run down setting I’d seek the beauty of nature in a place, I havnt saw much or travelled and now live in a city where I rarely see nature but I seek it and when I do see it, it makes me so happy. You’ve got me reflecting now as to when I last felt connecting I can’t remember right now but il let you know if I do. In the meantime I’m hoping to spend my weekend searching for this silence because boy have I missed it and boy has it been a very long time since I’ve been in the presence of nature. 😭 Im so glad Allāh Subhânahu wa Ta’âla guided me to your video to remind me of these old habits that made me feel so connected. Since being a mum it’s hard finding that time for myself and sacrificing days out for days home when they’re not well.. which has been too many weeks too long 😅

    meganwyatt - February 29, 2020

    I’m so grateful that you found your way here too! Alhamdulilah!

Maria - February 29, 2020

Beautiful video sis, barak allahu feeki. I strongly believe in the powerful therapy of nature. What comes to mind while listening to you is the importance of connecting with Allah using positive connections because a lot of times people might feel closer to Allah in a calamity as it pushes them back to him back to the comfort of his love back into sujood and overflowing tears…in all these seemingly negative situations. However it is just as, if not more important to create positive connections with the beauty of our creator and his creation, memories of comfort, peace and awe such as the one you describe. Can I ask will these videos always be available for us to watch? I feel like I will need to come back to this video as and when i need this reminder 🙂 Maria

    meganwyatt - February 29, 2020

    What a beautiful reframe on “positive connections” you’ve made masha’Allah!

Maria - February 29, 2020

Also, how can I share the link so more people can subscribe to the series? I feel like everyone needs to hear this!

    meganwyatt - February 29, 2020

    Please invite them to this one: so they can opt-in and receive the videos in their inbox! This way, if they benefit, I can stay in touch. Jazakum Allahu Khairan.

      meganwyatt - March 1, 2020

      I think I’ll need to plan for that next time insha’Allah!

Rania - March 1, 2020

Ma-shaa’-Allah! What a beautiful reminder! The irony is that about 20 of us from the family went to Yosemite this past summer. One night the women and girls in the family decided to go for a night walk. We found ourselves in absolute darkness as well! We looked up and were speechless and automatically began to praise Alllah by saying subhaanAllah as well! We also got tired of looking up but did not want to release our eyes from the magnificent sight so we laid our jackets down and laid on the gravel road at the edge of the forest! We stayed there for as long as we could. It was something we’ll never forget! I really do recommend for everyone to visit these amazing natural places. You won’t regret it!

Maria - March 1, 2020

Salam 🙂
Loved the first video series! Ma sha Allah!
For me I love looking at the sunrise after Fajr prayer, every sunrise and everyday there is always something beautiful. Another nature memory is when I am traveling by air, and can see the fluffy white clouds-SubhanAllah

    meganwyatt - March 1, 2020

    I have a secret obsession with puffy white clouds!

Tahani - March 1, 2020

Spending time in nature gives a feeling of belonging humbles the human within and strengthen the connection with Allah.
Jazaki Allah kul khier for the reminder Megan.

Amal - March 1, 2020

I have also been to Yosemite and experienced the amazing starts there! It was actually my favorite part of the whole trip and still remember just how beautiful they were, Subhan Allah!

ekram - March 2, 2020

Masha’Allah a beautiful reminder. May Allah SWT grant you janatul fardows!

Adelina - March 2, 2020

This was such a beautiful video thank you. I totally feel the same way. I definitely feel closer to God when I’m outdoors and in nature. The lush of greenery, the sea, the sky, clouds all make me feel better and remind mind me of the Creator. Alhamdulilah

Suffia - March 3, 2020

Jazaaki Allah khayr for this reminder. When I first started my healing journey, I came across an audible series called the 3 Day effect by Florence Williams. She took trauma survivors (Ex army and also rape survivors) out to woodlands and lush green places for 3 days. The results were astounding.
I spent a lot of time near river banks and walking in green parks, looking up and looking down. As a family we make a conscious effort to get out every day. Alhamdolilah

Rimsha - March 5, 2020

This video was extremely insightful. But how do I acces the third video. I received the mail for it, but after clicking it im getting redirected to the 1st video again

    meganwyatt - March 6, 2020

    After you’ve watched video #2, the third one will come to you 24 hours later 🙂

Sumaya Mahomed - March 6, 2020

Where we live we have the most beautiful sunsets

Unsa - March 6, 2020

JazakAllah khair 😊 There are many nature moments when I feel connected to Allah. Once at the beach during sunset. The sound of sea and sunset view is just beautiful. SubhanAllah. Full moon, stars, cold breeze and rain… All of them are just remind you of your creator if you gave attention to them.

Kay Nessa - March 7, 2020

When a see a new moon

Azeezah - March 7, 2020

One of the biggest pain is leaving in a city area where nature is soooo rare. I can’t even remember the last time I saw a butterfly!

But I remember one day when my friend and I took the kids to the park, it was during the holidays on a weekday, the experience did something beautiful to my senses.

Nature is indeed beautiful, Subhanallah

Khadijah - March 7, 2020

Recently I was feeling depressed. I was sitting outside on the short rock wall, when I became aware of the slight breeze and the green trees. It had been along time since I had this experience. My depression subsided. My faith was restored. This video explained what I was expecting. Jaz

    meganwyatt - March 8, 2020

    That’s beautiful!

Sk - March 7, 2020

Assalamu Alaikum sister. Jazakallahu khairan. I understand why I find it hard to get through winter with my three little ones. We need to start studying nature as a family.

Zahira - March 14, 2020

Excellent eye opener.
May Allah reward you immensely for your work. Ameen
One of my nature moments is the local park the beautiful trees, green grass, the flowers and the sky above.
Everything created so perfectly and sublime testifies to a Great Creator.

    meganwyatt - March 19, 2020

    Ameen! Sounds like a beautiful day at the park indeed! SubhanAllah.

Falizawati - April 22, 2020

i like to watch the beach, the sky and the really calm me down whenever i thought that i am so good or feeling so proud or any feeling that makes me far from Allah.watching these scenery really drag me down to earth..Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Laillahaillallah AllahuAkbar

Nafisha - May 29, 2020

it was in Melbourne , Australia this trail walk park. there is this turquoise coloured lake a friend brought me to see and had a mini picnic there by the side. alhamdulilah and it was a alhamdulilah moment and relaxing time too.

Wasif.Alamoush - July 15, 2020

you are right .nature is the best place to know the greatest of Allah, i always have been in love with nature

Abiha - July 23, 2020

The sunsets are beautiful alhamdulillah. The different colours make the sky look like a dream, one that you want to dream for forever. Some days it’s brighter and filled with colours other days it’s not as bright and sometimes it’s covered with clouds but it’s still there. After sunset darkness falls and fills the whole sky corner to corner with darkness. But their are little light bulbs in the sky which make it look mesmerising. The stars are just soo beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. The moon is the lantern in the darkness surrounded by light bulbs and it is small but yet looks beautiful with the light around it and the clouds that surround it light up and as a little child when I was in the car or just outside at dark it felt as if the moon was following me. Subhanallah! Glory be to the creator!

Ahmed - July 29, 2020

In fact this is the first time to me watch you . A good short lecture and I usually feel close to Allah when I was a far from the society

Aqeelah - September 15, 2020

One of the things that inspires me is the drops of rain. There is a feeling of tranquility, peace and maybe above all, is a reminder of His mercy <3

    meganwyatt - October 11, 2020

    Beautiful masha’Allah!

Hafsa - September 19, 2020

Mashallah amazing story it was,jazakallah khairan kaseera for sharing it with us .last time when I was sad I looked up in the sky and I saw stars and in them only one star was twinkling,that gave me so much relief as I believed that Allah swt was twinkling it for me to console me and that was when I said subhanallah

جينيدي - October 11, 2020

I just joined and just saw this video. MashaAllah, sister, may Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala bless you, thank you for sharing this with me, with all of us. <3
I live in pretty rural area, but still I don't take walks as much as it one could suppose. But this video and your story reminded me how beautiful my place is, so I will, inshaAllah, try to spend some more time outdoor. Thing that the most often makes me think and say subhanAllah, and also elhamudillah, is almost every time I look my pet, cat. I just praise to Allah how beautiful creation He gave me.

    meganwyatt - October 11, 2020

    Looking forward to hearing how much your walks enrich your life insha’Allah.

Abdul Shafi - October 24, 2020

Asslm alykm, I most found reflected to our maker mostly when im swimming in the ocean,I feel the ocean to be very clean and even conducive to make my dua..Alhamdulillah

    meganwyatt - November 23, 2020

    I pray you make time to do this regularly then.

Zahro - November 14, 2020

Being at a remote beach, my sons finding a leopard toad, placing it in a bucket of sand, seeing this beautiful toad emerge from the sand and hopping a large distance to safety. Was beautiful and inspiring.

    meganwyatt - November 23, 2020

    Masha’Allah, what a sweet and serene memory!

KALA - December 10, 2020

Maa sha Allah. Nice video Ustaz Megan. Jazakillahu kheiral jazaa for sharing. I love when I visit forest listening to bird’s chirping and waterfalls….

    Hassan Issa - December 20, 2020

    It’s pretty to be friends

Fatema Zakaria - December 25, 2020

I feel blessed when i can spend my time with my family members…..i feel blessed to see my parents smile….to see them healthy….alhamdulillah…
Whenever i see the beautiful weather…beautiful sky!!subhanallah

    meganwyatt - January 9, 2021

    That’s a beautiful list masha’Allah!

Thajudin Mat Jizat - January 14, 2021


Moaaz - January 14, 2021

I am thirty-two years old. I dreamed at the age of twelve. I and many people are crammed inside a minaret of a mosque, and people are afraid, and fanfare begins from an event of darkness outside. While I look out from the window of the minaret I see the entire moon illuminating the darkness. Make my faith in my Lord in every crisis optimistic, thank God

    meganwyatt - March 18, 2021

    Wow, subhanAllah. Thank you for sharing.

Omaima - January 15, 2021

Thank you for doing this for people who are looking for the peace of mind and heart please keep going and if you have any event soon let me know so I can get myself ready to come to California to attend because I live in Florida thank you again 🙏

    meganwyatt - March 18, 2021

    Insha’Allah in the post-Covid times things like this can happen once again! Thank you for being here.

Mona Liza B. Ola Casan - February 3, 2021

Upon watching your video, I realized how lucky I am!!! The best experience that I had was to meditate in the midst of growing trees and flowers. I was able to appreciate the creation of ALLAH. With this, I think I come closer to Him, make Him my inspiration, and give Him my praises for He is alone is my God!

    meganwyatt - March 18, 2021

    Alhamdulilah for such a wonderful experience.

Rubina - February 11, 2021

SubhanAllah! So true it is. I very much identify the experience you have had once where you mentioned that you doubted your imaan when you were back at you home versus being in nature. I get the same feeling when I am at home and sometimes don’t feel at peace even though there is no sound. I have had one of that favorite nature memories that has and will always stay in my heart and I often revisit it by just closing my eyes. It was during my trip to Italy where me and my family did a road trip to Amalfi Coast. We stopped at various spots to sink in the beauty of that place… the vast ocean, mountains it’s was just so beautiful and soul stirring . And I could say was SubhanAllah!!
Jazaki Allah kul khier for the reminder Megan.

    meganwyatt - March 18, 2021

    Sounds like a really amazing trip you had masha’Allah! I’m glad you could be reminded and hopefully inspired to seek nature out more often for your own heart.

Atef Salah - March 4, 2021

Beautiful 🥰

Dilshad - May 15, 2021

Masha allah my allah give more Ammain any word i listend its true word by word my Allah reward you amin

Abubakr - May 16, 2021

That’s good 👍

MD imam Hossain - June 6, 2021

When I look at the natural environment of the Creator, Allah Ta’ala, my heart is fascinated and I say, Subahanallah, Allah Almighty, the Greatest Allah has created the world,

Muhammad Naeem - June 7, 2021

Once I was offering the prayer of pajar morning so there was wrinkle raining and pleasure air it was feeling to me that like I am in paradise and when I went to school said to my friend that about what happened so he said to me same happened with me when I was offering the prayer.

Rashida - September 20, 2021

Dhuha times when i feel beauty of nature so subtle yet powerful in its own solitude, beckoning to mankind to praise creator of the universe. MashaAllah

Julia - November 27, 2021

Assalamu alaikum dear sister Meghan, well, subhan Allah, when I truly felt that “if it’s not a sign then what is” was this past months that I’m back to my home in a small town near the Balkans due to the fact that I have cancer and I feel that the beauty that surrounds me is the mercy of Allah

    meganwyatt - February 2, 2022

    I apologize I just saw your comment now. May Allah grant you shifa sister and make your illness a means of elevation with your Lord. May you be of those whom Allah loves and tells the angels He loves and as a result all of Jannah, full of angels, are discussing your name: Julia.

Misbha - January 6, 2022

Subhanallah and Allhumdulliah it was beautiful to listening to and made think about a lot of things. The last I felt close to Allah SWT, was when my neighbour accused me of a criminal act but in fact was a civil matter. The Police were on her side, (I hadn’t told my parents anything), I felt so alone and couldn’t trust anyone. I felt helpless and all alone, or so I thought. I eventually told my Aunty, she began praying for me, I spoke to a very religous scholar, he began praying for me. After sobbing for ages and almost giving up on life, I asked Allah SWT to help me and guide me because I didn’t know who to trust. All of a sudden I felt a warmth in my heart and I knew he was listening. He saved me and protected me along with the prayers of my family, who I eventually told.

Mersije - January 8, 2022

May mother has just passed away and naturally I felt the deepest pain. So I needed to get out of the house. That evening I put on my jogging shoes and ran it. Suddenly the pain and missing her was so overwhelming that I cried out to Allah. When I lifted my head towards the sky, shouting with tears in my eyes I suddenly saw the most spectacular Nordic light on the sky. Green and dancing on the sky. I get goosebumps every time I remember. I stopped watching it, not moving and thanking Allah for this blessing. Subhanallah 🙏🏽

    meganwyatt - February 2, 2022

    May Allah grant you sabr as you work through your grief. It’s such a test, subhanAllah. I recorded several sessions in the One Meaningful Life training course while going thru grief from the passing of my mother in March of 2020. Consider joining our program for additional support and spiritual nurturing.

Nasra Hashi - January 9, 2022

When I go for nature drives because we live near a national park and am amazed by the wildlife, SubhanaAllah!

Binte Nasr - April 17, 2022

One of my favourite nature memories is when I looked up at the sky and reflected on the vastness of it. Just couldn’t believe a creation, like the sky, could be so vast and encompassing. Sometimes makes me think about the mercy of Allah and its vastness. MashaAllah

    meganwyatt - May 9, 2022

    Thank you for sharing this. Allah is indeed Ar-Rahman, Ar-Raheem!

Haya Ismail - June 16, 2022

The ocean makes me feel so much closer to Allaah. I find it so inviting. I don’t know how to swim, but I want to learn just to be able to swim in the sea.

    meganwyatt - June 21, 2022

    What a wonderful summer goal that would be to start learning how to swim!

Rema - June 19, 2022

Enjoyed the video and thank you for these beautiful reminders of how we connect to Allah.

    meganwyatt - June 21, 2022

    You are most welcome!

Rania - June 27, 2024

SubhaanAllah sister Megan! I’m sure our souls knew each other in the world of the souls!
In 2019 my family and I and other relatives also stayed in Yosemite. One night, all the women and girls decided to walk away from the hotel and we ended up on this pitch black road. We were so scared not being able to see ANYTHING! Then we looked up and we were absolutely amazed at the magnificent sight and all we were compelled to say was SubhaanAllah! Our necks were aching but we could not stop looking! We finally came to our senses and lowered our heads but we spread our jackets on the ground and laid on them to be able to continue looking! It was truly an amazing experience AlhamduLilah! Jazakom Allahu khayran for all your beneficial insight! AlhamduLilah for people like you ❤️❤️❤️


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