Early Bird Bonus: Buy One Course Ticket
& Gift One To A Friend For Free. (End 8/19)
Hey Mama, do you want to plan a successful
homeschool year?
Well, of course you do... no one wants to fail at homeschooling!
The real question is how do you plan for a successful and meaningful homeschooling year?
With so many homeschooling resources available, how do you know what will actually help you be prepared?
Do you resonate with any of these thoughts?
If this sounds familiar you aren't alone. All homeschoolers, at one point or another, have struggled with questions like this.
But here is the question you should not ask first....
"What curriculum are you using?"

I know that the material you use to teach your kids is important, but what if I told you there are some other things
that are even more important to have in place before you talk about curriculum?
Think about this....
Imagine you're holding the most pathetic history textbook ever designed on the planet.
Give it to a person who loves history or lived through that time period or someone who wants to find a more creative way to teach the subject and they will bring history to life with passion and energy.
The person behind the curriculum is what influences how and what a child will learn.
The curriculum is just a tool.
Your tool.
Or imagine the most colorful learning space full of educational posters and hands on projects. The room looks picture perfect.
But the teacher leading the kids in that room isn't lively at all and spends more time focused on her "schedule'
that the kids never get to explore anything around them.
They are rushed from one activity to the next to keep pace with the learning schedule.
Contrast that with a simple learning space lead by a teacher who engages the kids' imagination, their critical thinking skills,
or just offers them a genuine warm hug or smile each morning.
That learning space isn't fancy but so many positive feelings are exchanged so that the kids desire to learn from their teacher.
The learning space is just a tool.
Your tool.
I'm not suggesting that choosing your curriculum isn't important at all or
that creating a space conducive to learning isn't important either.
But if you're missing some essential steps in place before you go shopping for the best spelling workbook, online math course, all the ways you can learn about dinosaurs and ancient Egypt, or what kind of globe you should purchase, then your curriculum won't matter.
If you're missing the heart of homeschooling then your learning space, no matter how fancy or Pinterest worthy it may be, won't matter.
The heart of homeschooling is you.
Your vision, goals, and beliefs about your homeschooling journey are what lead to success in your kid's education.
How do I know?

My name is Megan Wyatt, and I began homeschooling back in 2009.
My first daughter, my eldest, is now a college bound freshmen, my son, second oldest, is going to be a junior this year in high school.
Today, I'm most actively involved in the homeschooling of my third grade daughter and first grade son.
Over the years I have found myself offering the same advice over and over again to frazzled and worried new homeschool moms as well as burnt out experienced homeschool moms.
Eventually, I compiled all of that into in-person workshops which I taught in my local community.
But now, I'm sharing that workshop online in order to serve more homeschool mamas out there. (Yay for the internet!)
Let me help you get ready for this upcoming year in my upcoming live online Heart of Homeschooling course.
The Heart of Homeschooling course will teach you five essential steps to plan your school year out by focusing on the things that will make the biggest difference for you and your kid's learning journey.
We are going beyond inspiration to the heart of your homeschooling.
You already have inspiration freely at your fingertips, but diving into the core of homeschooling takes a different kind of work.
And I’m here to guide you through the process so you can achieve the
meaningful homeschooling experiences you are striving to have.
This course is built with a series of interactive workshops, crafted from 11 years of homeschooling, leading co-ops,
and infused with my background as a personal development trainer and life & relationship coach.
Whether you are brand new to homeschooling or have years of experience this course will serve you.
Here are the 5 essential steps you'll learn:

STEP 1: Defining Your Mission
When someone asks you “Why do you homeschool?” you may find yourself struggling to answer in one simple, powerful sentence. Step 1 is crystalizing your mission statement about homeschooling and communicating that with confidence. This statement will guide your homeschool journey and help you when you begin to doubt yourself along the way or when you have to deal with naysayers

STEP 2: Revealing Your Beliefs
Know your beliefs, and you’ll know how to plan your school year. Your beliefs are the fuel behind how and why you homeschool but many people aren’t fully in touch with what their beliefs are. It’s easy to pay lip service to ideas about building a meaningful family life and educational experiences for your kids. But ideas that aren’t your own core beliefs are easy to forget in the day-to-day struggles of being a homeschooling mom. When you feel like quitting or giving up, Step 2 will give you the tools to renew your heart with your highest intentions and beliefs that will bring focus and calm back into your family's life and educational journey.

STEP 3: Discovering Learning Styles
Every single child is a unique learner. One of the blessings of home schooling is that you can educate each child based on their strengths and learning styles as well as your own. (Yes, you have a style too!) It's one of the benefits of homeschooling but also one of the first things to go out the window when fear kicks in that you aren't "doing enough" with your kids and you end up schooling in a way that sucks the life out of everyone! Step 3 is getting to know your child and your own teaching and learning style better. Say goodbye to power struggles!

STEP 4 Academic Goal Setting
As the old saying goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” It’s easy to “go with the flow” in your school work, but then run the risk of feeling regret at the end of the year. It's also common to plan for way too much to get done leaving you and the kids constantly feeling panicked and stressed out. You need to know when to let your plans go or make adjustments, but also have goals for your kids, family, and yourself that keep you on track and grant you milestones of success. Step 4 is about creating specific and realistic goals you want to reach so you can successfully measure your family's educational journey.

STEP 5 Taking Care Of the Queen
How on earth can you expect to be a great mother, teacher, spouse, or multi-tasking human being if you never take care of yourself? A woman’s work never ends and the needs of your family never disappear either. You will burnout, snap at your kids, or let your personal upkeep slide if you do not schedule regular time for you. Step 5 is all about taking care of the queen: you. Remember, you are the heart of homeschooling. In Step 5 you will create goals around your personal needs. Trust me on this one! This overlooked step is often the first thing to destroy the homeschool experience for the family. Step 5 is a must!
If you're still thinking...
"I just want you to tell me which curriculum to buy so that my kids will learn and get ahead. With all this time at home, they should be able to get ahead, right? "
There are thousands of homeschool blogs and Youtube videos doing reviews on curriculum.
You could spend hours and hours watching them in order to narrow down what you should be using.
But it doesn't mean your kids are going to get a great education from your homeschooling journey.
I know it might be a little confusing hearing this.
We have been taught that education means textbooks and so many people who are new to homeschooling
feel absolutely terrified to begin without knowing what curriculum they are relying on.
But here is a little secret....
Most curriculum is pretty similar. It will get the job done if you use it.
Your kids will move along just like in a traditional school classroom.
(If you already purchased some, relax for now.)
You know what's not similar? The opportunity to think outside the box.
But maybe now you're thinking..."I don't want to put a ton of time and energy into this. I have other things to think about and I'm not one of "those" homeschooling moms."
I used to feel exactly like this when I first started homeschooling. Some back story...
My biggest motivation to give homeschooling a shot was wanting more time with my kids and
because school was leaving them exhausted, cranky, and lifeless at the tender ages of four and six.
My first year, I followed our local public school's at-home curriculum program. Oh my goodness, I hated it so much!
I was stressed all of the time trying to keep up.
There were so many lessons designed for kids in a classroom all day.
But we wanted to learn outside, and with hands-on projects, and do lots of reading, and....well so many things we already loved as a family!
The second year I started out hiring tutors to teach a curriculum I chose.
This ended up being "school at home" too with my kids spending so much time "trying to focus" in their
chairs for subjects I thought they must master.
They didn't like all the worksheets and dull lessons being read to them from a teacher's manual.
I was following a curriculum plan that made me feel better about myself but wasn't the best for my kids.
"Homeschooling" became a power struggle and that wasn't good for my relationship with me kids at all.
And then something special happened......
I remembered all of the wonderful fun, developmental, and educational things I was doing with my kids before they were "supposed to go to school." I took charge again and began teaching them the same way I did before as
an involved mother and guess what?

Well...the rest is history.
I learned that homeschooling wasn't just about education but could be a lifestyle of living and loving to learn together.
It was also about character development, building a childhood foundation, and developing a whole human being.
It didn't mean I had to teach everything myself or that I wouldn't spend money on a fancy curriculum.
It meant that I had options to teach my kids in the way best suited for our family's needs.
It meant I could trust my mama gut, think for myself,
and guide our family again.
So don't worry, you can learn about curriculums by
homeschoolers all over the internet.
But don't make the mistake I made when I first started.
Start this year right with a focus on the heart of homeschooling.
Let me walk you through the same exercises I use to plan out my own homeschooling year after year!

Going to the beach is a part of our homeschooling too!
Online Course Schedule for 8/21
(Note all times are PST)
10:00am : Step 1: Defining Your Mission
11:00am : Step 2: Revealing Your Beliefs
12:00pm : Step 3: Discovering Learning Styles
1:00pm: Lunch or Stretch Break
2:00pm: Step: Academic Goal Setting
3:00pm Step 5: Taking Care of The Queen
4:00: Final Q&A/Discussion
Here's what's included when you sign up...
Q: Will this event be recorded in case I miss some of the live portion?
A: Absolutely! I'll give you access to the entire course for one full year. However, do your best to attend live so you can benefit from the Q&A sessions and online discussions.
Q: Is this open for anyone to attend?
A: Anyone who is preparing for homeschooling this year. (If your kids are young and you're just curious about homeschooling this may not be for you yet.)
Q: Do I need this if I've been homeschooling for a while?
A: I use this same format every year for my own homeschool planning. It can benefit anyone homeschooling from those just starting out to those with years of experience who want a space to organize their goals for the year. (And maybe make things even better than the year before!)
Q: Are you promoting any specific religious content with this course?
A: No. This course is open for everyone and focuses on homeschooling and contains no religious content.
Q: If this isn't for me do you offer refunds?
A: Of course. I want to serve. If this course doesn't serve you I'll process your refund immediately.
Meet my kids. 🙂
The college-bound fresh(wo)men who loves good literature, is a recent Charlotte Bronte fan, creative writing, and deep discussions. (This was her parking lot graduation!)

The junior who enjoys bouldering, soccer, listening to the Lord of the Rings on audio, and is excellent at debate and critical thinking and story telling.

The third grader who has been baking her way through the year, loves swimming, and now reading. Her next endeavor is learning how to sew and cook by herself.

The first grader who is excited by anything hands on, biking, listening to audio books, identifying native plants and animals in our area and yes...workbooks!

What others have said about this course....
"Being a brand new homeschooling family, Megan's course really put me at ease and allowed me the space to explore the diversity in homeschooling approaches. "
"Megan has a wealth of experience homeschooling. Every time I had a question, heard of a new resource or book she had great advice to give on how to navigate the problem at hand. She was always pushing me to go beyond the box, listen to my kids, and trust the process. When I would be worried about decisions, her warm words of comfort brought calmness and ease to my homeschooling journey. In the ocean of possibilities that is homeschooling, Megan is a homeschooling rock.."
" I liked how the course was introspective, really encouraged us to think about our priorities and why we were considering/had chosen to homeschool. I especially liked when you opened up the floor for dialogue. I wanted to learn more organizational tips and gain some direction from your years of experience as an educator. One thing that stuck with me is that there is no right or wrong way to homeschool, it varies based on your individual journey and what works best for you and your family. I would highly recommend Megan's workshop for all homeschooling parents, both newbies and seasoned mentors. I guarantee you will go back enriched and enlightened, with a newfound appreciation and a renewed sense of vigor towards pursuing your child's ambitions and dreams."
"Megan’s course has been a much needed inspiration for my homeschooling journey. Through her suggested outline and discussion sessions I’ve gained ideas and awareness of different homeschooling perspectives. In addition, I was able to hone in on what is important for me for my homeschooling goals in general and specific action items for the upcoming school year. I’d definitely recommend Megan’s workshop for both new and seasoned homeschooling families."
"Megan's workshop encouraged me to dig deeper into my philosophy and vision, set specific short term and long term goals, realize my priorities, treasure my relationships, and create a plan that promises results"

A little bit more about me!
In addition to homeschooling I'm also a public speaker, author, and a certified Strategic Intervention life & relationship coach living in Southern California. (That photo of me in front of the fire? It means I walked on fire. Just a normal part of my personal development journey!)
My personal development work, while open to everyone, has been generally centered around my own faith traditions.
This online homeschool course is an opportunity to reach beyond my spiritual community and share my passion for homeschooling with all the other mamas out there! This is a unique journey we are all on together, and I'll be honored if I get to be a part of yours!
Experiences from parent's who have seen me create homeschooling experiences with kids...
"We have been blessed to have participated in a co-op led by Megan and have benefitted from her beautiful way of bringing a subject to life simply. I was able to witness and learn from the creativity used to bring a lesson to life and the magical way every opportunity is a learning opportunity. In participating in the co-op she taught me the simplicity required to bring a subject to life for the kids, in a way they would learn and benefit from; wonderfully I gained the confidence to do the same. With a smile on her face she would sit with and work with the kids through interruptions and questions, all addressed with patience, and would steer them through the new knowledge she is sharing back to what is happening in the now. It was such a needed learning experience for me to witness this and adopt ways of guiding an excited child to stay focused on the learning happening at that moment. Through all this the topic of us being mothers working all the time to meet so many needs has come up as well and Megan has displayed a beautiful example of self-care and striving for the balance of filling the roles and responsibilities of self, wife, daughter, mother, friend, and teacher. It’s not an easy balance to strike, some days being harder, but the importance of and means of managing that is one that stays in focus and is shared with those around who can benefit from it" - Syma
"Megan is the sweetest and most patient with the children, everyone was so engaged and involved in cooking, learning, and doing arts and crafts. They are amazing, genuine and original classes well thought of and planned. Our first semester were classes about people that changed the world starting off with a children’s book, cooking a recipe and ending with a project and our second semester were classes about different countries; learning about the country, cooking their national dish or dessert, and creating a craft. She’s so supportive and assigns duties to the children based on age and known skills and takes the time to teach them a new skill. My daughter has never cracked an egg and sweet Megan took the time to teach her. Megan is accommodating and respectful of our food choices, being vegan and participating in a class that involves cooking and eating is not easy, she would let us know what the ingredients were and she would find recipes that were vegan because she wanted my daughter to not miss out. We have never experienced a class like this before and it’s one we will never forget." - Mayelli
"Megan has been an inspiration to me for the past few years. I have been blessed to have been associated with her for all my years during my journey as a homeschooling mom. Her ability to instill creativity with a strong foundation rooted in our shared values, in every task that I have seen her engaged in, is amazing. She connects deeply with the children that she teaches and with her peers that she mentors. The experiences that she develops for her students stay with the children for a long time and have a profound impact on their development. She empowers children to direct the conversation or the lesson plan that helps create ownership and confidence in the children. All this is done, while she balances her role as a spouse, mother, entrepreneur, and teacher - and she is successful in all these facets. I am fortunate to have Megan as a mentor and a friend." - Farah